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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Response to Rachel Held Evans CNN Article, “Why millennials are leaving the church”.

A Response to Rachel Held Evans Article, “Why millennials are leaving the church”.

Written by Thomas W. Bigham

The following is in response to an article written by Rachel Held Evans titled, “Why millennials are leaving the church”, published in CNN’s “Belief Blog” on July 27th, 2013. As the author has offered her valued insight both honestly and directly, such deserves the same in addressing her points of issue.


The following excerpts from her article and this writer’s accompanying responses will attempt to briefly address those concerns as they have been raised. I respond as a lay person and practicing Catholic. My responses are not to be construed as an official response of the Roman Catholic Church or any affiliation thereof, but specifically as one who had been separated for many years from all organized religion. It was only after the realization of my own errors and the pursuit of a deeper knowledge and understanding of Christianity that I had returned through the guidance of scripture to the Catholic faith.


Rachel Held Evans, Excerpt  #1:
“Many of us, myself included, are finding ourselves increasingly drawn to high church traditions Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, the Episcopal Church, etc. precisely because the ancient forms of liturgy seem so unpretentious, so unconcerned with being “cool,” and we find that refreshingly authentic.”


Response: I would only comment here that a number of changes over the last few centuries and even more so over the last few decades have caused many sincere Christians from various denominations to voice their concerns questioning the guidance of the faith they had followed. Jesus Christ did not adapt His teachings or His presentation to be more accommodating or acceptable to more people. He did not accept the opinions of others in determining the “best approach” for the biggest return, and he certainly did not conform to society’s popular opinions - and neither should His Church if it truly presents His teachings faithfully. Likewise, the Catholic Church has retained the consistency of His teachings for 2000 years even in the darkest of times, regardless of any particular era’s fluctuating social or moral standards. In fact, just as today, there were times throughout history the Catholic Church struggled in direct opposition to popular opinion. As was said, the Church can not care about what is “cool” or popular, especially when popularity infringes upon the truth and guidance provided to the faithful.    


Rachel Held Evans, Excerpt #2:
“What millennials really want from the church is not a change in style but a change in substance.”  


Response: As has been noted in the previous response, the substance of Christianity in truth can not change. It is deep in scripture and the breath and teachings of Christ. By His authority given Him by the Father, Jesus Himself founded His Church to be the perpetual teaching and guiding body accountable to present His word and “confirm” the disciples in their faith. This authority was placed upon His Church with the unyielding responsibility to preserve, teach and guide the faithful until the “end of days.” Of course for 2000 years there has been, are and always will be those individuals who reject the teachings and guidance of the Church. Now as always each individual possesses the freedom to choose to seek and learn and to accept or reject the word of God including the guidance of the Church he established. But the substance can not be changed to suite a particular society’s opinions.


Rachel Held Evans, Excerpt #3:
“We want an end to the culture wars. We want a truce between science and faith. We want to be known for what we stand for, not what we are against.”


Response: Those who know the heritage of the Christian faith and understand its teachings also know there is never intent to war, only to recognize the existence of sin and evil and to struggle against it. We know we are to love and pray for everyone including those who take up against us; we know that the intelligence of man is a gift from God and the knowledge gained through the sciences enable us to grow closer to truth and understanding of our selves and all He has created. As faithful Catholics we know it is not necessary to be “recognized” personally but to have Christ recognized through us; to aid those who suffer and be charitable and humble striving to reflect Christ through our words and actions to our best capabilities; to love one another, never judging another person’s soul, but to judge the actions that constitute sin or evil so as to avoid becoming part of the sin. “Love the sinner, hate the sin”, and do unto others as we would have done unto us.


Rachel Held Evans, Excerpt #4:
“We want to ask questions that don’t have predetermined answers.”


Response: All sincere questions have value. However, because an answer may be predetermined, such predetermination does not devoid it of truth or good determination as much as it may expose an inner bias of the person posing the question then devoiding the sincerity of the inquirer. Under those circumstances it becomes the inquirer who may in fact be willing to accept only a predetermined answer. If a question is posed with the intent of accepting only a desired answer regardless of reason, it is hypocritical. Wisdom provides answers to a great many questions that can in fact be considered predetermined. A person must be open to reason and not just the intended desire, as not all desires are necessarily good for us or those around us. One who refuses to recognize and accept the voice of wisdom will never attain wisdom. 


Rachel Held Evans, Excerpt #5:
“We want churches that emphasize an allegiance to the kingdom of God over an allegiance to a single political party or a single nation.”


Response: Then the question should also be raised; what of a political party that rejects all recognition of God? Or what about the declaration on our currency which states, “in God we trust” - when will that be removed? Our military cemeteries display thousands upon thousands of crosses over the graves of those Christians who died for this country - When will those crosses be torn down? As a Christian and American I will speak for my country as it was in my youth and as it has been debased over the years. It is a country, regardless of what one chooses to accept, that was founded and has flourished upon the principles of God, predominantly of Christians who form the majority. The Christian faith by its true nature is not a faith adaptable to ever fluctuating popular opinions of any given era or any political party as history verifies in the many conflicts the Church has survived over 2000 years. But when it comes to international behaviors, in every era in every nation, it begins with the individual.


Simply put, each person is subject to his or her own beliefs and opinions. The majority of those closest in their opinions form the disposition of each nation’s social direction. In a democracy the majority elects leaders who reflect their dispositions. As history has shown, a nation of devout Christians will elect a person reflecting moral values and a nation disassociating itself from God will reflect the corruption of values.


Each nation internationally can and must choose to live either in peace without expressing animosity toward the others or become aggressive thus creating conflict and the threat of war. Today our American culture is in serious conflict within itself. A Conflict between the principles of God our country flourished upon and the growth of selfness and a “talk to the hand” mentality. Today we see the push for what has been referred to as “political correctness”, which is nothing more than a poor attempt to make up for some of the moral values abandoned over the years. However, there is a critical difference; morality consists of values which include respect for self and respect toward others. Values that are voluntarily but necessarily practiced by the people of a free country such as ours. Political correctness on the other hand calls for regulations instituted by government to restrict and control what is said and done publically, thus limiting our constitutional rights. What is not realized yet is those who insist on such limitations will one day find themselves restrained. Such is an element of communism.


Rachel Held Evans, Excerpt #6:
“We want our LGBT friends to feel truly welcome in our faith communities.”


Response: To be a Christian means to live according to the Word of God as a follower of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church invites all people open to a faithful relationship with God to seek Him through His body on earth, His Church. But it would be untruthful to claim one seeks a faithful relationship with God if they have no intention of living according to His word, regardless of their predispositions, sexual or otherwise. However, many people having same sex attractions choose to live their faith according to the word of God.


Rachel Held Evans, Excerpt #7:
“We want to be challenged to live lives of holiness, not only when it comes to sex, but also when it comes to living simply, caring for the poor and oppressed, pursuing reconciliation, engaging in creation care and becoming peacemakers.”


Response: The challenge has always been there. The question is whether we will choose to live faithfully according to His word.


Rachel Held Evans, Excerpt #8:
“You can’t hand us a latte and then go about business as usual and expect us to stick around. We’re not leaving the church because we don’t find the cool factor there; we’re leaving the church because we don’t find Jesus there. Like every generation before ours and every generation after, deep down, we long for Jesus.”


Response: The Church will not provide you a latte but it will provide you the direction to a sincere relationship with Jesus Christ in the fullness of His teachings. The Church will not adapt itself to the level of faith a person wishes to abide in, but then that is part of the challenge you are asking for.


May the Holy Spirit guide us on our quest for that most fulfilling relationship with Jesus Christ.

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